Thursday, September 17, 2009

Finished Socks!

Well, I finished the lacy waving socks! I loved them!

Now I am going to try Glittens! these are gloves and mittens combined! I using a basic pattern from Ravelry and hoping I can figure it out.

Thursday, September 10, 2009

Bags and Bags and Bags!

Well, I have started a new endeavor with Kelli. I kept tweaking the knitting bag until I think I have what I want. Then I decided to use up material to make more bags. It was then that Kelli and I discussed putting them on her Etsy site to see if they would sell. It has now snowballed and I have material for tons and tons of bags. The first few bags, which are reversable and come in 2 sizes, will be going on her site soon.
I'm still working on my lacy socks. I have one sock finished and the other about half done.