Tuesday, January 19, 2010

So much to do...So little time.

I can't believe it has been months since my last entry. I finished my lace socks and started a lace shawl. That gave me more fits. We have a knit group at school now, just a few people. It has been fun teaching others to knit and teaching others to kit more difficult patterns. One of my knit friends is into spinning as well. She got a spinning wheel just before Christmas. We got one for Kelli too. And....Gary got me one for Christmas! Kelli taught me to spin on a drop spindle which Gary made and then she taught me to spin on the wheel. I am getting better every day! Gary is using the lathe we got this fall now. He is making drop spindles and we actually sold one to a co-worker. Spent more than a month after we got the lathe cleaning and insulating the shop so it will be warmer during the winter. It is organized right down to the nuts and bolts! Gary just made me a niddy noddy. Had to tweak it a couple of times, but we think we have a prototype now! I have made hand warmers and glittens and am now knitting a pait of mittens from my first ever yarn I spun! Another knitting friend has given me patterns for baby hats and afghans for the hospital (through our church). I gave her a pattern for easy mittens, which we wnat to make for children at school. I have so many projects now, I never know what to do next. Sew, knit, spin. Gary has taken old needles and cut them off and made 3 1/2 inche needles for fingers on gloves and for cable stitches. They come in a cute little bag, which I make. I am still making knitting bags and the material has multiplied! Kari brought home more material at Christmas from a friend in North Carolina. I have enough material to keep me busy for years. Kelli wants to start doing fiber festivals in addition to her web site, so I must keep working.Things got side tracked a little at the first of the year, as Gary needed surgery. Surgery went well but we are still looking at some more medical issues with him. We pray every day that all will work out for the positive.